Do you have Leaky Gut?

Take this quiz to find out

Happy Hormones

1:1 Coaching Programs

Can You Relate?

  • Do you pile on the make-up to hide your bad skin?
  • Do you morph into a raging lunatic around PMS time?
  • Is your PSM or mood swings affecting your relationships?
  • Are you immobilized by period cramping?
  • Have you tried everything to loose weight and nothing seems to work?
  • Do you give in to cyclical sugar cravings and then feel guilty afterwards?

It’s time to say goodbye to your

hormone rollercoaster!

We Dig Deep …..

Potential Root Causes of Your Hormone Imbalance
You Might Not Have Considered

Heavy Metal Toxicity
Copper Toxicity
Unhealthy Cortisol Production
Estrogen Dominance
Gut Infections
Poor Estrogen Detox
Genetic Susceptibility
Unhealthy Androgen Metabolism
Poor Food Choices

Survey Says …..

It is estimated that a staggering 85% of menstruating women experience PMS symptoms with up to 5% of these women disabled by the severity of their symptoms.  This should not be the norm.  Yet conditions like estrogen dominance are on the rise, with an estimated 1 in 8 women at risk for breast cancer.  Copper toxicity also complicates the hormone picture, with 70-80% of hair & mineral analysis results demonstrating coper toxic patterns – a common occurrence with estrogen dominance.

Our Secret Sauce

#1: Understand Your Full Hormone Snapshot
Imbalances in hormone levels can lead to estrogen dominance or androgen dominance which can create many hormone-based symptoms.  Unhealthy breakdown of hormones can also cause symptoms like acne & PMS.  Using herbal protocols can help rebalance these pathways

#2: Uncover & Treat Gut Issues
Gut issues are often at the core of imbalanced hormone production.  These stealth infections cause hidden stress such as leaky gut which impairs cortisol patterns and sex hormone production.

#3:Balance Minerals
Mineral imbalances often allow a state of disease to persist.  For example, copper toxicity and estrogen dominance are inextricably linked.  Addressed these imbalances gives your body the energy it needs to move into a healing state.

Transform Your Health

with our

Happy Hormone Program 

Outcomes You Can Count On!

  • Feel sexy & confident
  • Gain control of your moods
  •  Say goodbye to painful periods & sugar cravings
  • Stop having to worry about where the nearest washroom is
  • Be able to walk out of the house make-up free
  • Loose the weight you want and feel comfortable in your body
  • Stop dreading certain times of the month

What makes the

Happy Hormone
Program Unique

We don’t treat sympotoms,

we treat root causes of

your hormone imbalance

We don’t guess. We use

cutting edge lab tests.

Instead of treating disease, we

rebalance your body’s systems.

We look at your body holistically

using a functional medicine

approach.  We take into

consideration genetics,

environment & the mind-

body connection.

Program Map

Comprehensive Intake & Testing

As part of our programs, we provide a

comprehensive intake that carefully screens for

lifestyle factors and potential hidden stressors

that could be impacting your health

Diet & Lifestyle Coaching

You will be provided with 2 months of healthy,

anti-inflammatory meal plans (which includes

recipes, nutritional information and shopping

lists). Lifestyle coaching will support the

development of healthy habits including

sleep hygiene, detox & stress reduction.

Rebalancing & Healing

Although diet, exercise and lifestyle is important,

often the body requires a bit of assistance

to rebalance. This is where supplementation comes

in. You will be provided with a customized protocol

that will assist you in rebalancing your hormones & minerals

and addressing gut infections.

Our Programs

We offer multiple options to address your
hormone imbalance that fits every budget.

Are you tired of not getting the answers you need to heal?
Are you ready to finally resolve your hormone imbalance?
Book a free consultation today to learn how we can help.

Available online across North America & Europe.
Available in person in Bruce Country

What’s Included

healing journey services
Comprehensive Intake

Begin your journey during with preparation phase and start to gather the information and tools you will need. During this full hour, explore in detail your health concerns based on the the information provided in your intake forms. Learn about potential root causes of your health issues and how a functional medicine approach can support you to heal. Lab tests will be discussed and initial lifestyle recommendations will be provided.

A 60 minute session

healing journey services
Functional Lab Testing

We offer a wide variety of testing including the stool testing, SIBO testing, food sensitivity, genetics, hormone testing, a thyroid panel, hair & mineral analysis, heavy metal testing, viral testing, organic acid testing and mold testing.  Healing Journey offers the best labs on the market.

Includes test interpretations

healing journey services
Customized Healing Protocols & Lifestyle Recommendations

Wholistic health recommendations based on lab results that incorporate supplement protocols as well as diet, rest, exercise and stress reduction strategies.

Personalized for you

healing journey services
Regular Consultations

These sessions provide you with an opportunity for accountability over the duration of your journey. During this time protocols may be adjusted, further questions answered, and additional lab testing discussed.

healing journey services
Resources and Recipes

Diet and lifestyle changes can be difficult. That’s why Healing Journey wants to make it as easy as possible for you. You will receive a Healing Handbook based on the most recent research that provides information and tips on how to make recommended lifestyle changes. You will also receive customized meal plans that includes shopping lists and nutritional information, giving you access to 100+ recipes.

healing journey services
Unlimited Email Access

Healing Journey is here to support you for the duration of your journey. That’s why we offer ongoing email access, with a response time of 48 hours or less. That way any questions you have about protocols, lifestyle recommendations or anything else, can be answered right away!

Biweekly email check-ins are also provided

Our Signature Lab Tests

The Dutch

The DUTCH test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) determines your free and total cortisol levels, which is an indication of how much of this hormone is actually available for use. You need to know your free cortisol levels in order to understand how much of your cortisol is actually available to your cells.   Knowing your total cortisol level means nothing if 99% is not available for use by your cells. The DUTCH test also provides information about how the body is breaking down hormones (hormone metabolite level)including three different estrogen metabolites. This is important because it lets you know whether estrogen is being detoxed down cancer-causing pathways. The DUTCH test also gives us a window into your methylation status, letting us know whether your body can actually get rid of the estrogen it produces.

Conventional blood testing for hormones provides you with the basic levels for the sex hormones of estradiol (E2; a type of estrogen), progesterone and testosterone. However, blood testing is unable to provide information about your cortisol rhythm, the levels all types of estrogens or how your hormones are being broken down.

This test provides key information about hormone levels and possible causes of hormone imbalance, including:

  • Sex hormone levels: estrogen, testosterone and progesterone
  • Estrogen & testosterone detoxification pathways
  • Whether estrogen is being detoxified down cancer-causing pathways
  • Whether estrogen dominance is an issue
  • Degree of oxidative stress
  • Glutathione levels, which is the body’s master antioxidant
  • Your cortisol pattern, which will indicate whether your cortisol is higher than normal on a regular basis and impacting your hormone production
  • Whether your body is in an anabolic (building up) or catabolic state (breaking down). This will impact your body’s ability to lose weight and build muscle mass.

Hair & Minerals Analysis

Hair, Tissue and Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is an essential component of understanding your health picture. This test provides valuable information about patterns of mineral imbalances that can provide guidance on how to re-energize your body. HTMAs reveal whether you have copper toxicity, mercury exposure, dehydration at a cellular level, or a calcium shell that leads to emotional numbness. Knowing levels of copper toxicity is important because high levels of copper can increase estrogen levels.  This test will also provide key indicators about adrenal health, thyroid health, infections, blood sugar imbalances and metabolic health.

Instead of viewing each mineral in isolation, the interpretation of your hair and mineral results relies on the understanding that minerals are a complex, interrelated system. The healing protocols require a unique understanding of mineral patterns. Once your body’s minerals begin to rebalance, you enter into a state of optimal healing and often naturally let go of unwanted heavy metals and toxins.

The GI Map

The GI Map uses DNA- based technology called PCR technology that is thousands of times more sensitive than conventional because it can identify the entire microbiota. It can also determine the severity of your infections. Using this test, practitioners are now able to find infections that they have been missing out on for decades and could be impacting your hormone production.

In conventional medicine, stool culturing remains the main technology despite the slow shift being made towards PCR technology. Stool culturing involves taking a swab of the stool and putting it in a petri dish and seeing what grows, and looking at the sample under a microscope to see if ova (eggs) and parasites can be seen.

This means A LOT of false negatives because…
– a lot of things cannot grow in a petri dish
– the pathogens need to be alive in your stool

The infectious portion of this test looks for:

  • Bacterial infections – such as c. difficile & e. coli
  • Parasitic & protozoan infections – like giardiasis
  • Viral infections – like norovirus and Epstein Barr
  • H Pylori (this test also determines virulence factors/pathogenicity)
  • Worms
  • Fungi & yeast Infections
    (total of 44 different markers)

The functional portion of the lab test examines:

  • Levels of healthy and opportunistic bacteria
  • GI immune system health
  • Inflammation
  • Gluten sensitivity
  • Enzyme levels
    (total of 35 different markers)
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Tel: 647-898-8090


Services online & in Kincardine, ON